How to speed read at above link Anyone can learn how to read faster. Speed reading is a learn skill and learning how to speed read is a skill that will help you for the rest of your life. The average person reads about 200-250 words per minute. When you learn how to speed read you should be able to double or triple this reading speed just by following the steps in this video. Speed Reading Tips: 1. Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph and zoom through the rest. 2. Read the table of contents and back of the book. This will tell you what the author wants you to look for and it will improve your reading speed. 3. Do not say the words as you read. This slows you down and is called sub-vocalization. 4. One of the biggest points for speed reading and learning how to speed read is to use your finger whenever you read and force your eye to follow your finger. This will keep your eye from bouncing around the page because this does slow you down. 5. Listen to classical music when you read. This has been shown to improve your reading speed. Maybe this is because it relaxes your brain or keeps it focused. Regardless it is a good speed reading tip. Be sure to check out Ron's Instagram page for more speed reading tips: I have been amazed at how much my reading speed improved when I followed these speed reading tips. Recently I read a 200 page book on a flight and I was amazed at how much I remembered and understood reading at really fast speeds. These speed reading tips work! Try them.